5 Best High Quality Cheap Knives to Add To Your Spring Collection | FrontierBlades
Posted by Hassan Yousaf on
Spring season is finally upon us! And that means its time for more outdoorsy activities like camping, backpacking, and all sorts of adventuring. But with every great adventure you'll need the right tools, including some high quality blades to keep your survival skills on point! In honor of the new season, we'll post some of our best spring oriented blades. Spring Collection 1) 8" Tac Force EMT Knife This Tac Force knife is part of the 705 series, and is one of our favorites. It's characterized by a half serrated drop point blade, and a sleek orange handle. Some...
Wild West Knives. net adds new Tac force and Mtech pocket knives
Posted by Sadia Chaudhary on