Damascus Skinning Knives

Damascus Skinning Knife - Premium Handmade Hunting Knives

The Damascus skinning knife are specially designed hunting knives manufactured for skinning animals of all sizes - from something as small as a hare to something as large as an elk. Handmade damascus skinning knives feature fixed blades and compact folders. Common blade types used in a handmade damascus skinning knife includes gut hook, spear point, and clip point blades.

The main purpose of a damascus skinning knife is their ability to cut through an animal's hide with precision and accuracy without causing any damage to the muscles and tissues of the abdomen. Gut hook skinning knives provide an added benefit, as they are primarily used to remove inner organs of the animal to ensure the meat does not spoil.

If you are looking for a damascus skinning knife for sale, look no further than Frontier Blades. We offer a wide variety of custom handmade damascus skinning knives for sale. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Good luck out there on the hunting grounds! 

Handmade Hunting Knives

Hunting knives are designed to assist you in a variety of activities associated with hunting and outdoor camping. These knives are built with durable materials to withstand intense scenarios. 

There are various reasons for purchasing a handmade hunting knife. Some seek these knives for their functionality, as they are active hunters who require a high quality knife for outdoor activities. Others seek these knives for collection purposes and displays.

Every hunter needs a dependable hunting knife. We offer a large selection of the best hunting knives, including fixed blade knives and compact folding pocket knives. Our selection of Damascus skinning knives may also serve as all purpose hunting knives, as they can be used for an assortment of tasks in addition to skinning animal hide, such as cutting wood, filleting fish, slicing fruit, and much more. Scroll down to view our selection of premium handmade hunting knives for sale.

Custom Handmade Damascus Steel Knives

Custom handmade damascus steel knives are special premium hunting knives. Damascus hunting knives are made with high quality damascus steel blades. These blades are hand forged using robust construction and compressing layers of steel and iron to ensure a blade capable of cutting through rough materials without compromising their integrity. The blade is further strengthened through excessive heat treatments, which provides the twist and wavy patterns on the blade. Additionally, most handmade damascus steel knives are made with full tang blades, meaning the blade runs through the entire length of the handle. This prevents the blade from breaking off from the handle when being used to cut through rough materials, such as wood or animal hide.  

Another important aspect of a damascus knife is the handle's material. A premium hunting knife handle made from durable and reliable materials is important for the longevity, functionality, and versatility of the damascus hunting knife. Custom handmade Damascus steel knives are also made with a variety of handles. The type of handle you need depends on your requirements of the knife. Lets take a look at some of the common handle materials using in damascus hunting knives.

  • Wood: Wood is considered the traditional material used in damascus knife handles. Wood is a great all purpose material, as it is reliable and relatively long lasting. They provide the user a secure and comfortable grip around the handle. 
  • Bone/Horn: Bone and horn is another popular material used to design and manufacture damascus knife handles. The bone and horn handle is much more durable and strong relative to the wood handles. However, they require more attention and maintenance, as they are prone to degrade over time without proper care.

A very common subcategory of damascus steel hunting knives is the damascus skinning knife. The damascus skinning knife is considered an all purpose hunting knife, as they serve a variety of purposes, including skinning animal hide, cutting rough materials, slicing wood, and even cleaning fish. Damascus skinning knives are made from durable and reliable materials built to last, and every aspect of the knife, from the blade to the handle, are hand forged to ensure these knives will last a lifetime.